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Lady musing over beauty products

Beauty Fads - Where is the Balance?

Submitted by Editor on 20 September 2024

By Lenient Amidu

Ever heard the quote, ‘Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder’? 

Over the years, society has struggled to grasp the concept of beauty. 

Although, many schools of thought have rejected the idea of beauty being a definitive concept, beauty in today's world has been given so many definitions. Some say it is what is appealing to the eyes, others say it is an imaginative concept that assumes a thing or person has an attractive quality. Humans are drawn to beauty that they recognize. We find that what is appealing to one is not at all considered by another.

If beauty is after all not bound by a set standard, why the craze in the pursuit of it?

Where do we draw the line for what is superficial and what is truly worthwhile?

A fad means an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is short-lived; a craze. Beauty fad is an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for beauty, especially one that is short-lived. These fads are a norm in society today. They are popular but have no true lasting value as people tend to move on to other things more quickly than you think. The irony about beauty fads is another one begins just as one ends. 

There are quite a few research articles that try to explain why fads have so much grip on people. A particularly interesting one is the idea of symbolic interaction.

According to Wikipedia, “Another way of looking at the spread of fads is through a symbolic interaction view. People learn their behaviors from the people around them. When it comes to collective behavior, the emergence of these shared rules, meanings, and emotions are more dependent on the cues of the situation, rather than physiological arousal.This connection to symbolic interactionism, a theory that explains people's actions as being directed by shared meanings and assumptions, explains that fads are spread because people attach meaning and emotion to objects, and not because the object has practical use, for instance.People might adopt a fad because of the meanings and assumptions they share with the other people who have adopted that fad. People may join other adopters of the fad because they enjoy being a part of a group and what that symbolizes.”

The media is a powerful tool of influence. Women are introduced to new recipes, methods, routines, products, tricks, etc that will in some form enhance their appearance. These are often endorsed by certain famous female figures that are idolized by the everyday woman. It is not surprising that the media exploits the insecurities of these women and the unreasonable beauty standards of society.

So, women are willing to at least give it a try to see if it works or just do it to be part of the larger population that has adopted it.

Some current beauty fads include tiktok and Instagram beauty, Natural and Organic skincare, Biotech innovations, Hourglass figure diet plans, etc.

There are unsettling disadvantages of beauty fads. A major disadvantage is the creation of unattainable beauty standards, leading to disappointment and low self-esteem. Some fads can cause skin irritation, allergic reactions, or long-term damage (e.g., over-exfoliating, harsh ingredients).

Also, constantly trying new products or treatments can be expensive and wasteful. Following every fad can lead to a loss of personal style and individuality further depreciating into an unhealthy obsession with appearance, leading to body dissatisfaction and mental health issues. It must be established that fads are not necessarily bad yet judging by how much it has cost women especially those in younger age groups psychologically and financially, it becomes clear that striking a balance is very critical. 

Understanding your skin type, concerns, and needs before trying new products or trends is very important. This helps in making sure that expectations are realistic. Everyone's skin is different, and what works for others may not work for you. 

So, take time to research and consider a trend before trying it. Don't feel pressured to follow every fad. Seeking advice from dermatologists, estheticians, or skincare professionals before trying new products or treatments is the best way to go.

If you decide to follow a fad, Don't overdo it as this can lead to skin irritation or damage.

Conclusively, do well to celebrate your unique features and don't feel pressured to conform to unrealistic beauty standards.

You can enjoy the craze but don't get lost in it!