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e-Books vs Traditional Books: The Future of Reading

Submitted by Editor on 25 May 2024

By Lenient Amidu 

Did you know “the smell or aroma of a good book” or “the act of smelling books” is called Bibliosmia?

It is wonderful to witness and participate in the ever flourishing culture of reading. Books have proven to be sources of knowledge, entertainment, spiritual guidance, help, motivation and overall great life companions. We learn the stories of old and the patterns of the present from books. As long as you have a good book, you can go anywhere.

As reading culture has evolved with the digital age, it is not surprising that print books are no longer mainstream. With a digital device, it is possible to access books with just a click. Some may argue that this is a wonderful and welcome development as various factors have now come into play in the affordability and access to print books. Others disagree with this sentiment, emphasizing that nothing beats the experience of having the book in your hands and feeling the pages.

Is the emergence of e-Books a welcome development and what is the fate of print books in the subsequent years?

The traditional book is a physical book that is printed on paper, while an ebook is a digital version of a book that can be read on a computer, tablet, or e-Reader device. Here are some things for readers to consider when deciding between traditional books and e-books 

Advantages Of Traditional Books

  1.  It can be held and touched
  2.  It can be annotated with a pen or pencil
  3.  It can be lent or borrowed from a library or from a friend
  4.  You can build a physical personal collection or Library 
  5.  It is sold in a physical bookstore.
  6.  It is read without the need for an electronic device
  7. It can be passed down as collectibles or keepsakes

Disadvantages Of Traditional Books

  1. Typically larger and heavier than e-books
  2. It can be difficult to carry around, especially hardcovers
  3. It may have storage costs in terms of space requirements and furniture
  4. It can be more expensive than e-books
  5. It can be easily destroyed by fire or water or termites
  6. It may not be available in your local vicinity

Advantages Of E-books

  1. It is a digital file that can be read on a device or computer
  2. It comes with font style and size flexibility
  3. E-readers can store thousands of books on a single device
  4. It can be read anywhere, anytime without going to the bookstore
  5. It can be downloaded in the native language of the reader anywhere in the world
  6. It cannot be destroyed by wear and tear factors 

Disadvantages Of E-books

  1. It requires an electronic device to read and access
  2. It may not have as many illustrations or photographs
  3. It can become outdated or inaccessible due to changes in technology or connection to the Internet 
  4. It can be difficult to read for long periods of time
  5. It may cause eye strain
  6. It can be distracting with notifications and other digital temptations
  7. Online stores may require personal information
  8. Online stores may not be safe
  9. High exposure to piracy

Conclusively, it is up to the reader to weigh the factors and also put into consideration what they enjoy. It all comes down to personal preference and specific needs. Reading should be a pleasurable experience.