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Five Questions with Akachi Adimora Ezeigbo

Submitted by admin on 19 June 2013

While paying ZODML a visit for an SSRP session, Professor Ezeigbo was kind enough to answer our mini-version of the famous Proust Questionnaire: 

Who are your favourite authors? Chinua Achebe, Toni Morrison, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, JM Coetzee, and Chimamanda Adichie.
Who are your three favourite literary characters? Elizabeth Bennet (from Pride and Prejudice), Beatrice (Anthills of the Savannah), and Anoa (Two Thousand Seasons).
If you could have any talent in the world, what would you choose? I would love to be a singer.
What is your favourite quote from a literary work? "As flies to wanton boys, are we to th'gods; they kill us for their sport." - King Lear
If you could invite three figures - historical or literary, real or fictional - to your last supper, who would you pick? Olaudah Equiano, Ezeulu (from Arrow of God), and Queen Amina of Zazzau.