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A stressed student

How To Cope With School Stress

Submitted by Editor on 3 April 2024

By Lenient Amidu

This school is stressing me”

School is not for the weak o”

I am fighting for my life in this school”

My little survey earlier this week amongst some students at my university revealed these responses are the most popular when asked about school. Being a university student can be draining. The looming deadlines, endless assignments, tests, examinations, attending classes topped with the uncomfortable living conditions, the overall process of adulting, and personal growth can often leave a student feeling like they are drowning in quicksand.

Many students do not know how to handle stress and thrive in spite. This places them at a disadvantage, affecting their productivity, health and overall wellness. Stress that's not managed is a contributing factor to many health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and even trigger underlying mental health issues. It is not uncommon that some students turn to drugs, alcohol or other vices to relieve stress. Others might fall into depression and lose interest in school activities.

The World Health Organization defines Stress as a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation. It goes further to say that stress is a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives. Everyone experiences stress to some degree. The way we respond to stress, however, makes a big difference to our overall well-being.

This is so true as being in stressful situations is a common life experience whether at school, work, at home, in relationships, etcetera.

Stress management is a skill that any student will find useful for school and other areas of their lives. Managing stress is easier said than done but following these steps will improve the quality of your life.

  1. Get enough sleep

Blue has been working on a project for two weeks now. She barely gets three hours of sleep at night and she has her hands full with other academic work during the day. Now, she is not making any progress. She is irritable, has headaches and can't seem to concentrate on anything.

Does this sound familiar?

Getting enough sleep cannot be overemphasized. The body needs time to rest and recharge. Overworking the body without balancing it out with quality sleep will have unfavorable effects on our health and productivity.

  1. Eat healthy food

Our diet plays a major role in our lives. So, cut down on the amount of junk. Invest in eating good, healthy meals.

  1. Do your work in portions

Taking up huge amounts of work can be daunting. Instead, divide your work into chunks according to due dates or urgency. It goes without saying that doing school work on time makes everything else easier.

  1. Sports and Exercise

Participating in sports and exercise regularly can help reduce stress.

  1. Take breaks

Spending time with friends and family sometimes works like a healing balm. You can also go somewhere fun or just relax at home. Picking up a hobby, going on a short trip are good ways to take your mind off stress


From a student to another student, something that has always worked for me is constantly reminding myself that strong buildings are built block by block.

Be gentle with yourself.

There will always be stressful situations at school but managing stress is one way to win.