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Time blindness

Overcoming Time Blindness: Tips for Better Time Management

Submitted by Editor2 on 5 June 2023

By Chidinma Okere

Time blindness, a phenomenon often associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), affects many individuals to varying degrees. It hampers the ability to accurately gauge the passage of time, leading to missed deadlines, stress, and inefficiency. In this post, we'll explore practical tips to overcome time blindness and improve time management, enabling you to become more punctual and productive.

  1. Time Your Tasks Efficiently -To gain a realistic understanding of how long your tasks take, start timing them. Measure the duration of assignments, reading sessions, or group work to set accurate expectations for future activities.

  2. Be Mindful of Time-Consuming - Activities Recognize the activities that tend to distract you and cause time wastage. Whether it's getting lost in social media or listening to endless podcasts, awareness is the first step to regaining control of your time.

  3. Set Alarms and Reminders - Use alarms strategically to stay on track. Set alarms to mark the beginning and end of tasks, reminding yourself to switch activities when needed. Vary alarm tones for different tasks to create distinct associations.

  4. Break Down Complex Tasks - Large projects or extensive reading materials can be overwhelming. Divide them into smaller, manageable chunks. Tackling one step at a time will make progress more tangible and help you maintain focus.

  5. Be Conservative with Promises - When committing to deadlines or deliveries, assume the worst-case scenario. Factoring in unexpected events or additional responsibilities ensures that you can meet your commitments without undue stress.

  6. Implement Screen Time and App Limits - Limiting your time spent on mobile devices, especially on social media, can free up valuable hours and minimize distractions. Set boundaries to strike a healthy balance between screen time and productive activities.

  7. Schedule Buffer Time - Avoid back-to-back scheduling of events and tasks. Incorporate buffer time to relax, take breaks, or handle unexpected interruptions. Allowing for flexibility in your schedule ensures you don't feel overwhelmed.

  8. Take Your Time - Rushing to prove your abilities might lead to subpar results. Instead, prioritize thoroughness and quality in your work. Don't be afraid to take the time needed to complete tasks effectively.

Overcoming time blindness requires conscious effort and a commitment to better time management. By implementing these practical tips and staying mindful of how you use your time, you can regain control, reduce stress, and become more productive. Embrace these strategies, and you'll find yourself better equipped to meet deadlines and achieve your goals efficiently. Remember, managing time effectively is a skill that can be developed over time with patience and perseverance.






Chidinma is a banker by day,

writer by night and

happy creative always.

Her academic and social

 interest is in how communication

shapes the world around us.