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Brain Power


Submitted by Editor2 on 10 May 2023

By Eniola Olatunji


When you see a man with ripped muscles, broad shoulders, and prominent abs, remember that he was not born that way and that his accomplishments did not happen suddenly. He exercised frequently to get fit. The same is true of the human brain. Every good writer, just like every great student, is brilliant because they read constantly. Reading builds mental strength in a way similar to what exercise does for the body.

No one is brilliant from birth. Everyone is given a fair start by being born with a blank mind (tabula rasa) that can be strengthened via learning, especially reading. While it can be argued that some people have higher IQs than others, this does not necessarily mean that they are more intelligent. Let someone with a high IQ continue to not read while someone with a mid-IQ reads nonstop. If you test them in a month, I'll wager the person with the mid-IQ will perform better.

Have you ever watched a boxer train? They follow rigid physical training regimens, get up at set times, and avoid consuming random foods to keep in shape. They also perform various activities for various goals. The brain can also be trained like this. You must engage in reading exercises, such as reading often, to stay mentally fit.

Additionally, you must choose carefully what to feed your brain. Reading case laws will improve your legal knowledge, much as performing plank exercises would build your core muscles. Reading fantasy books will broaden your imagination and creativity, just as doing pushups will strengthen your upper body. Similar to how performing squats can increase the power in your lower body, reading romance books will strengthen your ability to love. It is, therefore, important to choose books and other materials that align with your goals per time. Like exercise, the more rounded your routine is, the more rounded your mind becomes.

As you set physical health and fitness goals, it is important to set mind goals through reading. It is proven that not only does reading improve grammar, enlighten, and makes one a better writer, it can also reduce stress, improve focus, communication skills, mental health. It can even increase lifespan.

Start your reading journey by visiting our community library at 196, Awolowo Road, Ikoyi. We are happy to welcome you.



Eniola Olatunji is a law  
student at the University  
of Ibadan. He enjoys
researching into new
areas of life, reading  
comics and writing plays.