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The Importance of Elections

Submitted by admin on 23 February 2023

By Eniola Olatunji

An election is a periodical process by which people vote for new leaders and usher in a new government administration. In Nigeria, it happens every four years; in 2023, it is upon us. It is a feature of a democratic setting. It is meant to be a peaceful process without the use of force on people to vote for a particular candidate. Elections should also be free and fair without manipulating the number of votes. Voters are meant to shun bribes and vote for candidates of their choice; these are the essential characteristics of a valid election. 
The concept of election is used in every sphere of society. In a school, elections are conducted for new class captains; in a state, for new governors; and in a country, for new presidents. Even amongst brown-collar job associations such as market women and tailors’ associations, elections are used to change their leadership. This begs the question, why is an election so important? Why is it being practiced in so many societal strata? 


First and foremost, elections are important because they give the masses a voice and return power to the people. Little wonder why a popular political party in Nigeria uses the slogan “Power to the people.” Remember, an election is a feature of a democratic setting, and democracy means “a government of the people, by the people and for the people.” It is important to note that people exercise this power by voting. Civic responsibility is therefore placed on adults to register to vote and go to vote on election day. 

Furthermore, an election is a peaceful means of getting new leaders. In a society where elections are not permitted or are marred by gross inadequacies, the means of getting new leaders are usually bloody. Means like coup d’etat and revolutions typically involve killings and death of innocent citizens. Whereas properly conducted elections are peaceful and civilized.
There are different types and forms of elections: direct elections, indirect elections, gubernatorial elections, national elections, and so on. These are classified based on several facts, such as the type of leader to be elected and the geographical region where the election will span. While the importance of elections is quite good, you would only see this importance if the features of an election highlighted here were present. 
As Nigerians go to the poll, make sure your voice is heard. If you are registered to vote and have your voter’s card, VOTE! 
Tell us about your election day experience by posting a comment.

Picture credit: Unsplash  

Eniola Olatunji is a law  
student at the University  
of Ibadan. He enjoys
researching into new
areas of life, reading  
comics and writing plays.